What is SLC?

SLC (Scenes. Limbs. Chaos) is based around that feeling you get when you slot a 94th minute winner away from home. The feeling is enhanced if it's against your bitter rivals, a crucial match or when you've been under the cosh for 93 minutes, only to break out and slot the winner.

There is no feeling like it. Nothing. People often ask me to explain the feeling but you can't. It's not like being there at the birth of your child or finally getting that job you have worked all your life for. You've spent all day on the beer with your mates, probably missed kick off, didn't see the start of the second half as you were in a queue that was 8 deep to buy a pint of flat beer in a plastic glass for the cost of small second hand car. It's drizzling and cold. You are sporting your best clobber and are miles away from home to follow your team. And for what? For that moment which we live for; that second when you see the net rustle and you just know the bloke behind who has been asleep half the game is about to come flying over the top of you and land on the poor lad 4 rows down. Your best mate has gone head first down the aisle, only to be followed by 14 others going a over t. The away end is a sea of limbs. The commentator has screamed the word, 'scenes' 9 times and it absolute carnage. It is chaos.

If you know, you know. If you don't, you need to experience it as there really is no feeling like Scenes. Limbs. Chaos. Remember, we all live for 94th minute winners. 

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